
VIDEO: SLR  (dir. Stephen Fingleton) – screened at Screen Social: #HELLO in June

As ever we are intent on creating a platform for emerging independent talent. Contributing to a successful Screen Social: #HELLO in June, were the outstanding shorts, SLR directed by Stephen Fingleton and its ‘companion’ film Selfie directed by Ben A Williams.

SLR follows ‘Elliot’ who’s dark obsession with voyeur pornography awakens his own morality. Liam Cunningham (Game of Thrones) brings an intensity to this flawed character, adding to a truly gripping and intense short thriller.

Selfie tells the story of ‘Tricia’, a character seen briefly in SLR (played by Jasmine Breinburg, plucked from obscurity to appear in Danny Boyle’s 2012 Olympic opening ceremony).  She becomes unwittingly exposed to the unsavoury side of the web which ultimately raises questions in her own mind.

Both directors are destined for big future success. We’ll be watching. Anonymously.

Will you?