Swhype joined Chef, Food writer and Instagram fan Gizzi Erskine as she talks to The Pool about her thoughts on super foods and the #CleanEating trend that has inspired her to write her new cook book ‘Healthy Appetite’.
Following on from ‘Cook Yourself Thin’ and ‘Skinny Weeks’ Gizzi explains the 80/20 rule she lives by. With a passion for foods with flavour as well as healthy eating Gizzi points out as long you are being considered about the quality of your ingredients then shouldn’t feel guilty for enjoying your food.
Gizzi also talks about here favourite kitchen kit such as good quality kitchen knives to a mandolin for food preparation. Also good quality non-stick pans like Le Creuset are good for healthy cooking. High power kitchen aids like Thermomix and Vitamix making preparation and cooking a lot more convenient.
Client: The Pool
Camera, editing, direction: Swhype
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