The selection of films screened at Screen Social #1 were… Mirrors (dir. Demetra Englezou) Countdown (dir. Celine Desrumaux) Giant Episode Sun (dir. Celine & Yann) Nude Men Fighting! (dir. Marius Roth) Silent Lady (dir. Crayondreamer & Dines) Cleaning Up (dir. Thomas Guerrier) A Political Life (dir. Mark A. C. Brown) The Money Shot (dir. Graham Rathlin) Synapse (dir. Paul McHugh) Wolves (dir. Alistair Cheyne) Singularity (dir. Yongchan Kim / Yongsub Song) Tribe (dir. Cyril Gfeller) Kiss – A Love Story (dir. Joseph Hodgson & Franck Aubry) Hyperpotamus ‘De Camino’ (dir. Lucas Borras) Dry Bones – Dan DiFelice First Bite (dir. Louise Marie Cooke) The Score (dir. Anthony Bristow) Burning Hank – Cake (dir. Henry Coleman) Brother’s Keeper (dir. Yurena A. de Dios) Dudley Perkins – Flowers (dir. Samuel Craven) Properties (dir. Adam Hayes) Treasures of the Empire (dir. Ben Tobitt) Meatfeast – Self- Inflicted Haircut (dir. Kevin Chapman ) Benbo – I don’t have a lot to say (dir. Tony Johnson) Live Before You Die (dir. Tom Lloyd) The Union Choir – Eleanor (dir. Jim Martin & Oli Rothwell) Man & Seagull (dir. Amy Dennard) D N A U X B (dir. Tony Comley)
(We weren’t able to screen all films selected for 26.10.11 but these will ‘rollover’ into the next Screen Social)