

screen_social_22-poster-600pxFILM HUB – The Van d’Or Award Winners special (Pt 1)

After a brief break to host The Van d’Or Independent Film Awards with Edith Bowman, our Music Vs Film night – Screen Social is back with an exclusive Van d’Ors Special. Featuring a selection of shortlisted and winning entries from The Van d’Ors’ 15 categories, this will be a packed night full of film, music, chat, drinks and all-round congratulations!

Screen Social FILM HUB: The Van d’Or Winners & Nominees
The Book Club
, 100 Leonard Street, London EC2A 4RH
Doors open at 7pm. Get in early and grab a table or hang back at the bar.

Let us know you’re coming on our Facebook page

Click the RSVP button to register for entry.

Eventbrite - Screen Social - The Van d'Or Award Winners

Featured Films

CALLUM dir. Michael van der Put
// Winner Best Film, Best Actor, Best Director

THE RUNNER dir. Michael O’Kelly
// nom. Best Comedy

ACCEPT dir. Tom Pickard & James Phillips
// nom. Best Drama, nom. Best Screenplay, nom. Best Cinematography

// Winner Grass Roots Award

BLIND ENCOUNTER dir. Kevin L. Andrews
// Winner Best Documentary

NO STRINGS FUN dir. Kieran Clark
// nom. Best Drama

DYLAN’S ROOM dir. Layke Anderson
// Winner Best Drama, nom. Best Screenplay, Best Actress, Best Director

LINES IN THE SAND dir. Michael Gilroy
// nom. Best Drama, Winner Best Actress

DOLLFACE dir. Louis Paxton
// Winner Best Comedy, nom. Best Actress, Best Cinematography, Best Director

ORANGE CHARLIE dir. Benjamin Bee
// nom. Grass Roots Award

GRACE’S EPIPHANY dir. Jamie Maule-ffinch
// nom. Best Comedy, Best Sound Design

THE HUNGRY CORPSE dir. Gergely Wootsch
// Winner Best Animation

UPS & DOWNS dir. Stuart Fryer
// nom. Best Drama, Best Actor

LIARS dir. Oscar Nobi
// nom. Best Comedy

More films to be confirmed…
